Get Connected!

Remote Updating Module

Keep your retail experience fresh with new contents that can be updated at the push of a button

Get connected and control your content and customer experience through our remote content management system. Our Remote Ad Serving Module allows easy off-site content updating, with no in-store visits required saving cost and ensures your content is up to date and in line with your latest product releases.

  • One push deploy
    Update your media remotely with our online content management system. 

  • Reduce costs
    Our remote management allows you complete off-site control that enables a reduction in in-store visits and display downtime. 

  • Updating made easy
    We offer complete content management and can provide options to upload and schedule your content for you.


Data Insights Module

Make decisions based on data to boost ROI

Stay on top of insights remotely through our cloud-based real-time data intelligence software. Understanding the consumer's interaction with your display provides invaluable data only attainable in the past through in-store visits. Compare retailers, location data and run A/B tests to understand where activity occurs and make decisions based on ROI.

  • Data analytics that tells the whole story 
    Analyse consumer's behaviours, engagement and trends that allow you to make decisions based on data. 

  • Smarter conversions and interactions
    Through reward-based engagement offering that can be housed with our data insight module, you can drive conversions at the bottom of the funnel, no salesperson needed. 

  • Keep your finger on the pulse
    Monitor the health of your displays remotely, ensuring they are running, operational and producing the best engagement for consumers.